Narcotics Anonymous Literature

Narcotics Anonymous Literature

Written by members, NA literature offers the collective experience of members and a message of hope to the addict.

The NA program is a way of life based in the Twelve Steps. The steps offer members an avenue for growth and change to maintain their recovery. We learn how to apply these steps to our lives by reading NA literature and going to meetings. 

Our literature has been expanded and revised over the years, but the message remains the same: An addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live.

Basic Text

First published in 1983, this book, written by addicts, for addicts, about addicts, sets forth the spiritual principles of Narcotics Anonymous. It includes the N.A. Twelve Steps and Twelve Tradition with a range of written shares from addicts across the world.

Step Working Guide

The NA Step Working Guide discusses the principles relevant to each of our Twelve Steps, and also provides practical questions for reviewing understanding of each step. 

Just for Today

Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts: this book helps members focus on a new recovery principle each day through 366 entries (opening with an NA quote, examining the day’s topic, closing with a focusing thought or affirmation).

It Works How and Why

It Works How and Why presents an indepth study of NA’s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions and the practical relevance of NA’s program in personal recovery and in group unity.

Living Clean

A chapter-by-chapter guide to identifying ourselves within the 12 principles, and applying these principles to our daily lives.

Sponsorship Guide

A book sharing members’ first-hand experiences, and communicating the rich diversity of NA’s worldwide fellowship.

Guiding Principles

The Spirit of our Traditions: NA’s newest book contains tools, text, and questions meant to facilitate discussion and inspire action in our groups, in workshops, and in sponsorship. This book is a collection of experience and ideas on how to work through issues together, using the principles embodied in the Traditions.